New York-based McGill graduates did their alma mater proud at a Terry Fox run held in Central Park. Forty-five McGill New York alumni and friends took part, raising more than $14,000 to help support cancer research, the second-highest amount raised by any team participating in the event.
Pictured are (front row, left to right): Jacqueline Jordan, BA'96, Nadine Broude, BSW'79, and Debbie Levy, BA'89, (back row) Lindsay Cook, BA'75, Liz Winiarz, BSc'75, MLS'78, Ian Pilarczyk, BA'92, LLM'97, DCL'03, and Paul Broude.
Boston-based alumni got together recently to volunteer an afternoon of their time to help out the Greater Boston Food Bank, the largest hunger-relief organization in New England.
Last fall, the McGill Alumni Association of Northern California organized a walking tour through San Franciso's world-famous Chinatown - the city's oldest neighbourhood.
Economics professor William Watson, BA'74, well known for the dry wit he exhibits as a syndicated newspaper columnist and a past winner of a National Magazine Award for humour writing, recently ventured to Stampede City to serve as the lecturer for the Calgary Leacock Luncheon. Over 250 people turned out to brave quip-lash from Watson and moderator Derek Drummond.
(Left to right): Rayna Rabin, BA'63, DipEd'64, Kendy Bentley, BSc(N)' 71, Albert Frydman, BSc'67, DDS'71, and Joyce Gauthier, BSc(N)'71.
Moderator Derek Drummond (back row, left) with head table guests Diane Howard, BA'78, Miranda Keating Erickson, BCom'95, Bryce Nimmo and (front row) William Watson and Kathy Sendall.
Soojin Yu, BA'98 (at extreme right), likes to sing and she likes company while she's doing it. So last year, the music lover started up the Ottawa McGill Alumni Choir. The choir now numbers over 20 members and has been performing at seniors' residences and other venues. Anyone interested in finding out more can contact Soojin.