Spring 2004

Spring 2004 McGill University

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Spring 2004

Shifting Sands

Hélène Mathieu breaks new ground in the Middle East as the first Western woman to practice law in the United Arab Emirates.

Hélène Mathieu.

As the nursing crisis grows across the continent, McGill’s School of Nursing is expanding and changing with the times.

Owen Egan

Critical Care

As the nursing crisis grows across the continent, McGill’s School of Nursing is expanding and changing with the times.

La vie en résidence : un art de vivre

Les directeurs des résidences de McGill servent de trait d’union entre les première année et la multitude de ressources et de services offerts sur le campus.

Les directeurs des résidences de McGill servent de trait d’union entre les étudiants depremière année et la multitude de ressources et de services offerts sur le campus.

Owen Egan

When McGill MBA student Vesselin Nedkov bought tickets to a Moscow musical, little did he know he would end up taken hostage with 800 other theatregoers by Chechen terrorists.

Terror in Moscow

When McGill MBA student Vesselin Nedkov bought tickets to a Moscow musical, little did he know he would end up taken hostage with 800 other theatregoers by Chechen terrorists.

Editor's Notebook



Surf and Turf Robotics; Queen of Colleens; Warm and Fuzzy; The Tuques Bleues Race Again; Up, Up and Away; Tough Titanic Survivors; Lost Letters; Book-Loving Benefactor; To Cheat, or Not To Cheat; Studying Suicide; Baby, It's Not Cold Outside

Alumni activities



In memoriam


Maureen Makes Music at McGill

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