New York and Philadelphia grads took in an afternoon AHL hockey game between the Milwaukee Admirals and the Philadelphia Phantoms in January and got to meet Admirals' left winger and McGill Management grad Mathieu Darche.
While sightseeing before the start of the F.D.I. World Dental Congress in Sydney, Australia, Dr. Rufino Olivar by chance bumped into one of his former McGill dentistry professors, Dr. Harry Rosen, who happened to be one of the main speakers at the conference. Here they are pictured at Sydney's Quay Harbour.
Dean of Law Nicholas Kasirer, BCL'85, LLB'85, welcomed not one but two top legal eagles when Quebec Minister of Justice Marc Bellemare and federal Minister of Justice Irwin Cotler, BA'61, BCL'64, paid a visit to the faculty in February. Cotler - a McGill law professor and well-known human rights champion - and Bellemare were both thanked by the Dean for their departments' support of research in the faculty.
Science alumni in Toronto welcomed Dean of Science Alan Shaver (front row, right) to a special breakfast at the Sheraton Centre in December.
At the Martlet Foundation's Annual Luncheon, scholarships were awarded to nine students for academic and athletic excellence. Pictured here are Margaret Cielecki, Murray Lester, Tom Daley, and Anne-Marie Scherrer. Cielecki, a student in the Faculty of Dentistry and a field hockey star, and Scherrer, a Management student and a forward on the women's basketball team, were awarded Dorothy Nichol Scholarships at the event. The Martlet Foundation provides funding for student awards, including the Greville Smith scholarship program, as well as special projects in Athletics.
McGill New Yorkers took a tour of the New York Public Library in January to see the exhibition "Russia Engages the World, 1453-1825," which covered historical Russian figures such as Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, the Romanovs and Catherine the Great.
As part of the Young Alumni Schmooze series, over 30 graduates came out to meet with old friends and make new ones at the Beerbistro in downtown Toronto. The after-work crowd enjoyed sampling from the beer-inspired menu and choosing from over 80 different brews.
From left: Aubrey Baillie, BA'96, OJ Kerr, BCom'99, and Andrew Cole, BSc'96.
From left: Jennifer Finestone, BA’97, Daniel Schwartz, BSc’97, Robert Brewer, BCom’01, and Ryan McGaw, BCom’98.
Alumni in Barbados gathered at a reception hosted by Sue and Bob Winsor, BEng'62, in November. Shown here are Sue Winsor, Michael Farrugia, BEng'65, MBA'68, and Heather Farrugia, BA'76, MBA'78.
New York alumni were dressed for trouble at their annual polo day at the Greenwich Polo Club of Connecticut.
It may not have been a white Christmas, but graduates in Northern California had a great time at their alumni holiday party held at the home of Dan Rosenstein, BSc'91, MDCM'95, in Palo Alto in December.
McGill grads Stephenie Davies, BSc'95, Ottawa Young Alumni president Dominique Groulx, BA'95, and Spy Tsoukalas, BA'91, enjoyed a Chinese New Year dinner and rang in the Year of the Monkey at the Yangtze Restaurant in January.The event was hosted by the Inter-University Capital Alumni Network and featured great food and dragon dancing.
Dean Deborah Buszard of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences joined graduates at Toronto's annual Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in November. Dean Buszard (left) is shown with David and Betty Grant, BSc(HEc)'46.