From left: Laurent Monnin, MBA'02, Philippe Martin from the Université Paris VII (Jussieu), McGill Society of France president Louis-Pierre Guillaume, MBA'92, Martha Crago, Georges Boulakia, from the Université Paris VII (Jussieu)'s École doctorale de sciences du langage, Sarah Campbell-Besso, BA'89, and Elisabeth Guimbretière, also from the Université Paris VII (Jussieu).
About 50 Parisians turned up for a mini-conference on bilingualism hosted by the Délégation générale du Québec à Paris and co-organized by the McGill Society of France. Among the presenters was former Associate Provost (Academic Programs) Martha Crago, BA'68, MSc'70, PhD'88, who outlined McGill's long and impressive track record regarding research on bilingualism and language acquisition.
Participants in a summer picnic at Larz Andersen Park in Brookline, Massachusetts, organized by the Boston Alumni Association, included (left to right), Sarah Gagan, LLB'94 (holding her daughter Madeleine), first-year McGill student Stephen Lockwood, Robin Lockwood, Jenni Lockwood, George Sopel, BA'91, BCL'95, LLB'95 (and daughter Alexandra), McGill Young Alumni of Boston president Ian Pilarczyk, BA'92, LLM'97, DCL'03, and Laura Rutherford, BSc'92.
A group of 36 McGill travellers recently invaded Russia (in a friendly way) in a tour organized by the McGill Alumni Association and led by Lili de Grandpré, MBA'81, and her husband, David James, CertProfFrench'98. The "Journey of the Czars" tour included a cruise along the Volga, Svir and Neva Rivers and visits to St. Petersburg and Moscow, where this photo was taken in front of St. Basil's Cathedral.
Back row, left to right: Ebeline Zee-Hawton, BN'72, Larry Yasinko, Bev Kenny and Alan Murdoch, BSc'59, MDCM'63. Middle row, left to right: Brent McGrath, MSc'03, Roger Turnell, MDCM'78, Kathy Fisher, BCL'83, LLB'84, Melanie Moore, Anne Marie Marco and Ian MacDonald, BSc'72, MSc'74, MDCM'79. Front row: left to right: Julie Hamilton, BSc(PT)'74, Stewart Hamilton, BA'72, MDCM'77, Victor Dorian, BSc'72, Abraham Fuks and Jim Gendron, BSc(Agr)'74.
Earlier this year Dean of Medicine Abraham Fuks, BSc'68, MDCM'70, travelled to Edmonton, where he spoke at a gathering organized by the Northern Alberta branch of the McGill Alumni Association.