McGill is blessed with a worldwide network of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers, and every spring the McGill Alumni Association hosts its annual Honours and Awards Banquet to thank some of its most loyal supporters. On May 21, graduates, friends, faculty, students and staff once again gathered in downtown Montreal to celebrate this year's crop of honorees and their contributions to McGill.
Seated, left to right: Dr. Don Taylor, DDS’66; Leigh Taylor; Dr. Daniel Borsuk, BSc’00, MBA’06, MDCM’06; Dr. Herb Borsuk, DDS’72; Eileen Borsuk, BPhysTher’72, BSc(PT)’86; Olga Chodan. Standing, left to right: Charles Kaplan, BCom’69; Dr. James P. Lund; Dr. Marie Dagenais; Debbie Larocque.
Dentistry alumni, professors and staff show off their pearly whites after the Faculty's graduates snagged two awards. Herb Borsuk, DDS'72, received the E.P. Taylor Award for his volunteer work, while the Dentistry Class of 1987 earned the D. Lorne Gales Award for maintaining close ties to the University and each other since graduation.
Tom Thompson, BSc(PE)'58, MEd'78, recently retired after a 37-year career in development and alumni relations, during which he helped steer four major capital campaigns and annual solicitation programs which have raised over $850 million for the University. As the evening's grand finale, Principal Heather Munroe-Blum presented Tom with the Award of Merit, the McGill Alumni Association's highest honour.
Co-presidents Jonathan Mitchell, BSc’01, (left) and Eddie Chow, BSc(Arch)’91, BArch’93, with Lissa Matyas, Director of Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention at McGill.
The 2008 Charles Peters Branch Award went to the McGill Young Alumni Association of Ottawa. Led by a dynamic pair of co-presidents, these go-getters keep their social calendars full with everything from curling to salsa dancing.
McGill hockey players David Urquhart, BCom'08, and Shauna Denis, BCom'07, CertPRMgmt'08, were presented with two of the evening's three Gretta Chambers Student Leadership Awards. Urquhart and Denis were recognized for their accomplishments on and off the ice—both athletes are also community service volunteers.
Prior to the awards ceremony, the McGill Alumni Association appointed Bruce Dobby, BSc'76, DDS'81, as its new president during its Annual General Meeting. Here, he pays tribute to his predecessor Ann Vroom, BA'67, who will continue to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the MAA.
Left to right: Thora Pugh, DipEd’52; Bob Pugh, DipEd’52; event organizer Byron Beeler, BSc(Agr)’58; and Elsie Patterson.
During last year's Homecoming at Macdonald Campus, 170 alumni, friends and former athletes from all over North America gathered at a special dinner to salute Bob Pugh, DipEd'52, Athletics Director at Mac from 1955 to 1970. The enthusiastic response soon led to the establishment of a scholarship fund in Coach Pugh's honour and earned the event and its team of organizers this year's Special Recognition Award.