Left to right: Trip host Heidi Allardyce, BA’79, Terry Hollands, PhD’67, Mara Hollands, Dr. Pierre Boutan, Caryl Stewart, MSW’63, Harvey Grossman, BA’51, Eileen Grossman, Marilyn Ross and John St.Clair Ross, BEng’55.
Nine McGill grads explored Normandy in May—one of the stops during a luxurious cruise through the French countryside. The Chateau Gaillard in Les Andelys was just one of many points of interest in the Alumni Travel program's River Seine tour.
Left to right: Professor Nader, Brandi Sundby, BA’04, Sondra Schloss, BA’53, and Gordon Lindsay, MSW’63, HarveyBEng’48.
Associate professor Karim Nader's research on memory and post- traumatic stress disorder led Forbes to include him on its list of "Ten People Who Could Change the World." In May, Nader shared his expertise with the Vancouver alumni branch, presenting a McGill on the Move lecture entitled "Fear and the Mind."
Left to right: David Friendly, BSc’71, Dean Levin, Annette Rudman, BSc(OT)’84, and Daniel Holland, BA’94.
Dean of Medicine Richard I. Levin sailed into the Lunenburg Yacht Club on June 14 to deliver the keynote lecture at the Nova Scotia alumni branch's annual dinner. Following the talk, fellow physician David Murphy, MDCM'60, presented Dean Levin with an original Scarlet Key sweater from the 1960s.
Over 100 new McGill students mingled in the garden of the Canadian Consul's residence in Boston on July 15. This summer the McGill Alumni Association hosted nearly three dozen of these send-offs in cities around the world.
Below, left to right: Rev.Harold Lewis, BA’67, Canadian Consul General in Buffalo Stephen Brereton, Doug Owen, BCom’79, and Maestro Charles Dutoit, former artistic director of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra.
Graduates, spouses and friends gathered on April 5 for McGill Night at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Organized by the Western Pennsylvania alumni branch, the event was part of an ambitious attempt to revitalize the University's connections to graduates in Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and Northern West Virginia.