Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the St. James's Club, along
comes another McGill Alumni Association Honours and Awards Banquet. They came
from far and wide for an evening of good food and good fun. But mostly they
came to honour some of the best volunteers of the year among McGill
graduates, friends, faculty and staff. After the bagpipes had led everyone
into the dining hall and the salmon and cake had been devoured, Alumni
Association President Kip Cobbett gently roasted the award winners as he
introduced them in the presentation ceremony. Everyone had a fine time, and
the News is pleased to offer warm congratulations to all award winners and to
thank all McGill volunteers.
Award winners
Award of Merit: James A. Robb, BA'51, BCL'54
E.P. Taylor Award: William Harker, BEng'62
The David Johnston: Award John Gruzleski
Distinguished Service Awards: Judith Taylor Mappin, BSc'50,
Robert Winsor, BEng'62, Anelia Wright, DipPT'57, BSc(P&OT)'58
Honorary Life Memberships: Lynn Bookalam, Alan Shaver
Lorne Gales Award: Medicine Class of 1952
Charles Peters Branch of the Year Award: McGill Alumni
Association of Calgary
President of the Year: Frances Fleming Ross, BA'68, MEd'72,
President, McGill Alumni Association of Ottawa, Dominique Groulx, BA'95,
Vice-President, Ottawa Young Alumni
Gretta Chambers Student Leadership Awards: Sarah Ali-Khan,
PhD'04, Alexandra Conliffe, BEng'04, Martin Doe, BSc'04, Katy McLoughlin,
BMus'02, MMus'04
Event of the Year: Award Hockey Night in Atlanta
Special Event Award: Gala Concert in Honour of Principal
Emeritus Bernard Shapiro by Ben Heppner
A table of some of the
distinguished guests and award winners attending the banquet. Front row: Judith
Taylor Mappin, BSc'50, Vice-Principal (Development and Alumni Relations) Nancy
Wells, Francesco Bellini, Michele Beckerleg, BA'68, John Mappin, BCom'50,
MA'68. Back row: James Beckerleg, BSc'69, Marisa Bellini, Dean of Science Alan
Shaver, Charles Mappin, MUP'95, Carole Kleingrib, BA'71.
Student award winner Katy McLoughlin, BMus'02, strolls
up to the podium to accept her Gretta Chambers Student Leadership
Dominique Groulx, BA'95 (left), and Fran Ross, BA'68,
MEd'72 (far right), receive their awards for President of the Year from Morna
Flood Consedine, MEd'77, DEd'85, Vice-President of the McGill Alumni
Association Board of Directors.
Engineers were out in
full force for the evening, in part to honour William Harker, BEng'62 (back
row, far right), for his work raising $250,000 from the Engineering Class of
1962 for a high-tech, intelligent classroom in the new Lorne Trottier
Professor of Education Phyllis Shapiro, DipEd'56, has a
laugh during the awards ceremony.
Ian Pilarczyk, BA'92, LLM'97, Melissa Knock, BMus'95,
student award winner Alex Conliffe, BEng'04, and Development Officer for
Engineering Terry Tobin.
Executive Director of Alumni Relations/ Advancement,
Honora Shaughnessy, MLS'73, presents a Student Leadership award to star
McGill athlete Sarah Ali-Khan, PhD'04.
Jim Robb, BA'51, BCL'54,
his family and guests pose with the Award of Merit, the Alumni Association's
highest honour.
Principal Emeritus Bernard Shapiro, BA'56, LLD'88,
presents the David Johnston Award to Dean of Engineering John
Athletics head therapist Lynn Bookalam receives an
Honorary Life Membership from former Alumni Association president Sally
McDougall, BSc'68, DipEd'69.