A Word from Honora Shaughnessy, Executive Director of the MAA
One of the reasons why McGill is such a vital place is that we are blessed with alumni who don't forget about us once we hand them their degrees at the end of their studies. They, along with other special friends, are the volunteers who make the alumni events happen, who raise funds to support our Alma Mater, who join in on phonathons across the country, and who help the University recruit outstanding students from around the world.
The annual Honours and Awards Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to thank some remarkable people for their efforts on our behalf. Meet this year's winners:
Award of Merit
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Michael Crombie, Volunteer work: President of the McGill Alumni Association of Southern Alberta, 1978-1988. Distinctions: Distinguished Service Award, McGill Alumni Association, 1986. McGill memories and higlights President of the Red Birds Ski Club, 1967-1968, member from 1950-present. "I remember watching the Redmen football team play against Queen's, U of T and Western in Molson Stadium with marching bands and cheerleaders. The rivalries were intense, the crowds in excess of 17,500." "Also 'Scarlet Keying' in our white flannels and Scarlet Key sweaters. We were roving ambassadors for the University and prominent fixtures at many campus events." |
E.P. Taylor Award
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Gordon Lindsay, Volunteer work: Past President, Alumni Societies in Vancouver and Edmonton. Distinctions: McGill Distinguished Service Award, 1999. McGill memories and higlights "The many, many different undergraduate groups during University days broadened my outlook greatly. The McGill Outing Club, the Red and White Society '46, the football excursions to Toronto, Queen's and Western and many other activities were all great." "McGill has given me some of my closest friends. Just mention the word 'McGill' anywhere and any time, and it will open many doors." |
David L. Johnston Award
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Andrew Large Service to the community: Co-Chair, Faculty and Staff Fund Committee, McGill University. Distinctions: Outstanding paper for 2001, Online Information Review ("Designing and Developing Multimedia CD-ROMs"). McGill memories and higlights "Arriving from Wales for my McGill interview in early February 1989 with highs in the -20s, and still taking the job." "Belonging to a University that is well known and highly respected wherever I travel in the world." |
Distinguished Service Awards
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John A. Drummond, BA'72, Volunteer work: Past President, McGill Alumni Association of Southern Alberta. Distinctions: Founding partner, Drummond, Phillips & Sevalrud LLP, Barristers and Solicitors. McGill memories and higlights "My association with McGill continues to educate me and put me in the company of interesting and entertaining people. The same as 30 years ago. The courses and the degree only tell part of the story." |
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Gael Eakin, Volunteer work: Director, McGill Alumni Association. Distinctions: Almost left McGill as a student when she was invited to join Canada's National Ski Team. The terse telegram back from her parents in response to this invitation was "No!" Eakin says, "I have never regretted it!" McGill memories and higlights She led a dual life for a time -- as a Concordia arts student clad in tight jeans and a black turtleneck and as a member of McGill's board of governors, decked out in a dark pin-striped suit. She spent a lot of time in university washrooms transforming herself from one to the other on days when courses and Board meetings coincided. |
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Peter McNally, Service to the community: President, McGill Faculty Club. Distinctions: President, Bibliographic Society of Canada. McGill memories and higlights "I have always enjoyed the richness of character and personality to be found among the people who work and study at McGill." "McGill sits splendidly in a park, with one leg planted on the lofty Olympian slopes of Mount Royal, and the other planted in the hustle and bustle of downtown Montreal." |
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David W. Kerr, BSc'65 Volunteer work: Member, McGill Board of Governors. Distinctions: Addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations during a special session on sustainability in his capacity as Vice Chairman of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. McGill memories and higlights A member of the McGill Redmen hockey team for four years, Kerr was the squad's captain in his final season. But that isn't his most cherished hockey memory. "As the coach of the McGill women's hockey team, I met another very enthusiastic hockey person -- my wife Sheryl." "McGill is a place where someone always makes you feel welcome and part of something important." |
Honorary Life Memberships
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Anna Galati Achievements: Designs, edits and publishes Coming Events brochure, distributed to about 20,000 alumni and donors in the Montreal area. Provides information and direction to the Montreal-area branches. Manages the administrative support that assists over 45 McGill interest groups in their support of annual fundraising campaigns. As Class Reunion Coordinator (1989-1999), organized all aspects of selected Homecoming events and recruited and trained reunion chairs and class representatives. McGill memories and higlights "My most memorable McGill moment was when I organized my first Homecoming event (Principal's Dinner) and witnessed a reunion of two former classmates who had not seen each other in 50 years. Both graduates, through tears of joy, embraced fondly as they reminisced about 'Good Old McGill.'" Associate director (Alumni/Annual Fund) Maria Keenan says: "In all her dealings with McGill volunteers, never once have I heard any alumnus say anything negative about Anna! The same can be said by her colleagues at Martlet House and in the Faculties." |
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David Harpp Distinctions: Principal's Prize for Teaching Excellence, 2001. Service to the community: Sought-after speaker for alumni and public events as one of the principals in the popular "World of Chemistry" series. McGill memories and higlights "When former students contact me after years. One in particular, now a successful inventor/scientist and a multi-millionaire, called to say that I had had a profound influence on his life." Chemistry professor Masad Damha says: Any award entitled 'Prize for Excellence in Teaching' has Professor Harpp's name written all over it." |
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Kappy Flanders, Volunteer work: Currently organizing a new public education seminar about lung cancer. Distinctions: Member of the planning committee that formulated the Canadian Palliative Care Initiative, a blueprint for enhancing palliative care research, scholarship and care throughout Canada. Driving force behind McGill's popular and widely publicized 'Mini-Med' lecture series for the general public, featuring some of McGill's top medicine professors discussing their areas of expertise in a jargon-free, accessible manner. McGill memories and higlights "Walking through the campus, particularly in winter." Director of University Relations Kate Williams says: "Kappy Flanders is a catalyst. She is energetic, creative and committed." |
President of the Year Award
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Tina K. Hobday, BA'88, BCL'93, LLB'93, Volunteer work: President, McGill Young Alumni. Distinctions: Partner in Langlois Gaudreau law firm, 2001. McGill memories and higlights "McGill has opened my mind to different ideas, has filled my mind with knowledge, has allowed me to meet interesting people (and continues to do so), and has opened many doors both personally and professionally." |
Charles Peters Branch of the Year Award
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McGill Alumni Association of Ottawa Frances Fleming Ross, BA'68, MEd'72, President Number of members: 9,000 McGill is one of Canada's very best universities when it comes to producing new insights into the world of science and Ottawa-area graduates have taken full advantage of this fact in the past year. Science has been the theme for most of the branch's highly successful series of events. Chemistry professor David Harpp visited with Ottawa alumni to discuss the chemistry of food, and other recent visitors include deans from three of McGill's scientifically oriented faculties. Topics tackled at events organized by the Ottawa branch ranged from the future of our health care system to the promise of stem cell therapies to genetically modified food. The branch did far more than mull over the latest advances and controversies in biology and chemistry, however. A wine lovers' evening for Valentine's Day was organized, as was a spirited verbal joust on the benefits and dangers associated with decriminalizing marijuana, courtesy of the McGill Debating Union. The Mexican ambassador offered a lecture on politics, followed by a dinner at her residence. The branch's Young Alumni program, headed by Dominique Groulx, also organized several successful get-togethers, among them, a guided haunted walk, curling and apple picking. Branch event organizers include Fran Ross, Mina Dover-Cohen, Doug Durr, Clement Langemeyer, Tara Newell, Myron Rusk, Axel Bernabe, Paul Waksberg and Paul White, Young Alumni events were organized by Tania Callies, Andrew Bennett, Anu Pinnamaneni, Andrew Kovacs and Dominique Groulx. |
Event of the Year
"Green and Gold Revue" Macdonald Homecoming 2001
This event's origins date back to the late 1940s, when a group of Macdonald College students first unveiled their talents in an annual variety show -- the Green and Gold Revue.
When the time came for the 50th anniversary reunion of Macdonald's Class of '51, organizers J. William Ritchie, BSc(Agr)'51, William Friend, BSc(Agr)'50, George B. Hobson, BSc(Agr)'51 and Harold Blenkhorn, BSc(Agr)'50, decided to breathe new life into the revue and revive some highlights of past shows.
A cast of about 20, with little time for rehearsals, offered an appreciative audience of 350 more than a half hour of songs and skits. Says Ritchie, "a good time was had by all."
Lorne Gales Award
Engineering Class of 1937
For 63 years, members of this class have kept in touch, largely thanks to the efforts of Bill Horwood , BEng'37, who was elected class president during their time together as students and who has held on to the job ever since. Together with his late wife, Bill arranged all the meetings, made all the phone calls and licked all the stamps, ensuring that the group stays in touch. The class members still get together for lunch at least once a month.
One of the high points for this group was a series of trips they shared in the early 1980s, when graduates and their wives headed off to Germany, Great Britain, the Balkans and Italy. In preparing a submission for this prize, R.E. Kirkpatrick, BEng'37, wrote, "I will be looking forward to seeing which class your committee judges has held together as well and for longer than our class of Engineering '37."
In terms of longevity and loyalty to one another, the Engineering Class of 1937 is in a class all of its own.
Gretta Chambers Student Leadership Awards
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Jeremy Farrell, Activities: President, Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU), 2001-2002. Achievements: Chief Executive Officer for SSMU. "McGill is so much more than a place where students come to learn. It's a real community -- a city within a city. As a student leader, I was grateful for all the support in time, money and effort we were given by so many people, including McGill alumni." |
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Naomi Lear, Achievements: Spokesperson, Sexual Assault Centre, Students' Society of McGill University, 2001-present. Distinctions: Young Woman of Distinction Award, Montreal YWCA, 2002. "My volunteer work is motivated by a desire to listen to voices that have been neglected, quiet voices, and to make those voices heard. I get a lot out of the things I do -- I've met so many amazing people and learned so much." |
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Ali-Ismail Shivji, Achievements: Founding Member, McGill chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB). Distinctions: Scarlet Key Award for Leadership at McGill, 2002. "I'm grateful for all the opportunities this school has given me and which have made me the person I am today. I will proudly uphold and carry the McGill name with me for the rest of my life. McGill, you rock!" |