JOHN H. ANDREWS, BSc(Agr)'67, has been a professor at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) since 1976 and, since 1998, has been chair of the Plant Pathology Department. John holds both American and Canadian citizenship.
RYAN (MARIUS JAN) VAN LIEBURG, BSc(Agr)'75, has worked in different fields of agricultural research: biological control of insects and mites, development of methods for measurement of LCP of plants and testing, and development of lamps for plant growth. He now works at Wageningen Agricultural University in the Netherlands as a systems engineer for the IT department. He says this demonstrates that it is possible to make a complete shift in career after an agricultural education!
ANDRÉE MARZIALI, BSc(Agr)'82, MSc'95, and HIROSHI TAKAGI, MSc'85, PhD'88, moved to Illinois five years ago. They've lost contact with some of their friends and would love to hear from them at
STÉPHAN C. BRIÈRE, DipAgr'84, BSc(Agr)'89, MSc'92, has accepted a position as Quarantine Pest Mycologist with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in Ottawa. In the past several years, he has worked as a plant pathologist in Florida and at the University of Wyoming. As Quarantine Pest Mycologist, Stéphan will be working on the front lines protecting Canadian agriculture and the environment from exotic fungal pests. He says this is an exciting career move for him and he's looking forward to spending many years serving Canada.
STAN BLADE, PhD'92, accepted the position of Director of the Crops Division within Alberta Agriculture. He finds it a challenge to lead 100+ researchers and technicians involved in developing new and innovative technologies, in addition to running his own plant breeding research program. Stan's spouse, Linda, works in fitness training, including with Olympic skating gold medalists Jamie Salé and David Pelletier. Their children, Daniel, 4, and Savanna, 3, are totally focused on dinosaurs, and live for trips to the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alta.
PATRICK M.M. STEPHENSON, BSc(Agr)'93, MSc'95, is a Scientific Evaluation Officer with Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency in Ottawa. Patrick has been very busy the last few years pursuing a non-linear career development path. He has collaborated in several multidisciplinary research programs with Agriculture Canada, McGill and others. (The latest one jointly with Dr. Kushalappa's launching of his Electronic Nose program for management of potato diseases in storage.) He has volunteered in his church and helps other Christian organizations with fundraising activities. He was elected President of the St-Louis-de-Gonzague Alumni Foundation in Quebec. He is interested in corresponding with alumni from the "Mac Clan" regarding an endowment whose proceeds will be awarded annually to students with special needs or to the library. Please email him at
PRIYA RANGANATH, MArch'00, moved to Edmonton to begin a term position as a civil servant in the Architectural and Engineering Division of Public Works and Government Services of Canada, Western Region. This position comes after a three-month international assignment as an advisor involved with the construction of schools for children affected by the January 2001 earthquake in and around Bhuj, in Gujarat, India.
WILLIAM TETLEY, BA'48, has been named the first winner of The Professor Predrag Stankovic Award, which is given by the Croatian Maritime Law Association to the most prominent scholars who have especially contributed to the comparative analysis of maritime law and to its international promotion.
NORMAN SAMUELS, BA'58, was appointed acting president of Rutgers University by the Board of Governors. Norman has been active for decades in numerous civic and community organizations, including service on the boards of the Regional Business Partnership, the New Newark Foundation, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Newark, and the United Jewish Federation of Metropolitan New Jersey.
TONY (J. ANTHONY) BLAIR, BA'62, was appointed a University Professor at the University of Windsor, where he is head of the philosophy department, in recognition of his pioneering and influential research in the theory of argument, known as "informal logic." He cites his 40-year marriage to June Fulford Blair as essential to his success. At McGill he was on the ski and football teams, including the 1960 McGill Hall of Fame Football Redmen, and was also a member of Scarlet Key.
DOUGLAS WURTELE, MA'63, PhD'68, has had a book published in his honour, entitled Chaucer and Language: Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele. Douglas recommends the book Daughter by LOIS (STEINBERG) SILVERSTEIN, PhD'67. He says that he and Lois were the first two PhD graduates from the English Department 35 years ago.
ELIOT L. GARDNER, MA'64, PhD'66, moved to the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a 400-person research institute dedicated to research on drug addiction. Eliot is in the process of getting a new laboratory up and running, and training new personnel. He lives in Fell's Point, a lovely, renovated 1700s area of Baltimore, right on the waterfront. His immediate boss at NIH is his former McGill department-mate, ROY WISE, PhD'68. Eliot would be grateful to hear from other McGill friends and classmates, and would be especially grateful to link up with any in the Baltimore or Washington areas. He can be reached at
MICHAEL R. CRELINSTEN, BA'69, MSW'75, was appointed to the Convention Refugee Determination Division. He worked as Executive Director in the Quebec Region for the Canadian Jewish Congress, was at the Federation/CJA as Associate Executive Director for Israel and Public Affairs, and more recently, held an executive position at McGill in the Middle East Program in Civil Society and Peace Building.
RALPH LYSYSHYN, BA'69, was appointed ambassador to Poland by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien in July 2002. He says the future is uncertain after that. He has already spent time in Moscow, Brussels and Zaire. Ralph, his wife, Susan, and their 15-year-old son, Alex, are enjoying their new surroundings.
LAURA F. MACLELLAN, BA'75, MBA'82, is an international banking and treasury specialist and a former diplomat and advisor to the World Trade Organization/GATT. She is now Managing Director of Think On Consulting, which advises financial firms, banks, NGO's, government agencies, universities and export businesses on developing export marketing and financial services. She is also a guest columnist for Export Development Canada's Exportwise magazine.
JAIME LLAMBIAS WOLFF, MA'77, earned a PhD in sociology from the Université de Montréal. An associate professor at York University since 1991, he has also been Guest Professor at the Business School of the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María in Valparaíso, Chile, the International MBA program at the Universidad de Santiago in Chile, and a Professor at the Chilean Diplomatic Academy. Jaime is a consultant for interna-tional development and a former Vice-President of the Council for International Relations in Montreal, as well as a former member of the Board and the Executive Committee of the Canadian Council for International Co-operation.
JENNIFER (DEBOLT) HARRINGTON, BA'83, has been working at Quadrangle Research, LLC in Durham, North Carolina, for five years as editor of training materials for continuing medical education programs for physicians. She was editor of the Medical Review Officer Handbook, 8th edition, published in May 2002, which focuses on physician review of workplace drug testing programs.
ELKA STOKAR TROUTMAN, BA'85, and her husband, Jeff, had a baby boy, Joshua, in November 2001. Elka is working part-time in Boston for a financial services company.
SUSAN JOHNSTON, BA'86, PhD'96, was promoted to Associate Professor in English at the University of Regina. She is the author of Women and Domestic Experience in Victorian Political Fiction, published by Greenwood in 2001. Susan can be reached by email at
SAMAN (AHSAN) ASAD, BA'88, after graduating returned home to Pakistan where she worked at the Family Planning Association of Pakistan. In 1999 she was promoted to head the Women, Youth & Environment Section, which deals with projects on social and environmental development. She was also given the post of National Co-ordinator of the Girl Child Project. Her proudest moments include being selected to make presentations on the project in the SAARC Regional Girl Child Symposium in Pakistan in July 2001, and in the Special Session on Children in New York in May 2002. Saman says her McGill education equipped her well to work in such a prestigious organization and on such a dynamic project. She would love to be contacted by fellow graduates or anyone interested in finding out more about her work. See
KAREN FERGUSON, BA'89, has had her book, Black Politics in New Deal Atlanta, published by the University of North Carolina Press.
ERIC LOKEN, BA'92, is an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University and recently married Eva Lefkowitz. Eric has co-founded a web company,, that provides free SAT, ACT and GRE preparation for students from around the world.
STEPHEN D. BORYS, PhD'94, is Curator of Western Art at the Allen Memorial Art Museum in Oberlin, Ohio. In addition to seven years with the National Gallery of Canada, Stephen has worked at the Royal Collection Studies Programme, Windsor Castle, in England, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He also taught in the Department of Art History at McGill. Stephen is the curator of numerous exhibitions, including Giuseppe Maria Crespi: The Art of Allegory, and Monet, Renoir and the Impressionist Landscape.
JEFF GAULIN, BA'94, and ALANA ZANBILOWICZ, BA'94, are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Jonah Alexander Gaulin, in August 2002. Alana runs her own law firm and Jeff works for Molson Canada, where he is the manager, corporate affairs, for Western Canada in Victoria, B.C. Jeff also completed his MBA in September 2002.
DANIEL R. MOSS, DipEnvSt'95, lives in Baltimore and works as an acquisitions director for The Enterprise Social Investment Corporation, a U.S. company that provides capital to affordable housing and economic development projects. He would like to hear from other alumni who may be working in U.S. urban real estate markets, and can be reached at
LILY PURI, BA'96, is a recruiter for Rogers Communications Inc. Lily says she calls downtown Toronto home. Upon graduation, Lily spent four years working for Unum, a leading international disability insurance carrier, where she helped launch the Quebec employee benefits division.
BARBARA WEINSTEIN, BA'97, was appointed Legislative Director at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington, D.C. In her new position, Barbara will provide day-to-day leadership on the RAC's broad legislative agenda. She will also oversee the RAC's Eisendrath Legislative Assistant program. For the past five years, Barbara has worked in the U.S. House of Representatives on a wide array of issues, including civil and human rights, the environment, energy, telecommunications and women's rights.
SUSAN BIRNIE, BA'98, after two glorious years studying fine arts on Vancouver Island, has returned east and lives in Kingston, Ont., with her husband, Steve. Susan is a staff writer with, a young adult ministry run by the Paulist Fathers, and is a student in the Queen's University Master of Divinity program.
JEAN GLAISTER, BA'98, and SHAWN STEIL, BA'97, were married on October 5, 2002, at Kenosee Lake, Saskatchewan. They currently live in Ottawa.
JENNIFER JANE (LEWIS) HOGAN, BA'98, married Thomas Edward Hogan in August 2002, in Connecticut. They live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Tom is finishing a law degree and Jennifer is starting a master's in social work.
TERRY T-K HUANG, BA'98, would like to let the Class of '97 and '98 know that he has relocated to Kansas City, Mo. Terry is Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine, at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Upon graduating he earned his MPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics and PhD in Preventive Medicine at the University of Southern California. Terry's main research interests include the clinical epidemiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes, as well as international health. Friends may contact him at
CINDY MUNRO, BA'98, went on to do a master's in political science at the University of Toronto. She sat the foreign service exams and was hired upon completion of her degree. Cindy is working at the Canadian High Commission in Port of Spain, Trinidad, which is her second posting after a wonderful two years in Sri Lanka. Cindy met Dominic Leboeuf in Montreal the summer after finishing her degree at McGill and the couple were married in Quebec City in October 2002.
STEPHEN D. SCARFF, MA'98, received the John Peel Award for Excellence, which was presented by the West Hills Hunt Club of California for excellence in the field and service to the Hunt for the 2001-2002 season, and was recently elected to the West Hills Hunt Board of Directors. Come ride with the hounds through the rugged Santa Suzanna Mountains. Stephen can be reached at
VAHID FOTUHI, BA'99, was hired as a Research Analyst at Energy Intelligence Group in New York. He spends most of his time analyzing what's happening in the world oil and gas markets and helping clients with their energy research needs. Vahid will be getting married to his long-time girlfriend, Shirina Elsamra, in June 2003 in Montreal. Before starting his new job at EIG, Vahid completed a master's degree in international relations at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He can be reached at
MILKANA STEFANOVA, BA'99, moved to Seattle, Wash., after graduating and worked in the high-tech field. She is now with the professional services group of AskMe Corporation, an enterprise software company. Milkana says she has done a lot of travelling in the past few years and is hoping to take a sabbatical and backpack around the world. She would be very happy to hear from friends at
ERIN STOCK, BA'99, MA'01, travelled throughout Australia on and off between 1998-2001, while enjoying short-term work at Price WaterhouseCoopers in Sydney. A Montreal-based position in Canadian advertising and marketing for the Burlington Free Press and several communications-related contracts followed, as did community work with RECLAIM Quebec, a literacy organization. A 2001 move to Ottawa for a job at Canada Post in Employee Communications as Assistant Editor of Performance Employee magazine proved to be a fantastic opportunity. Recently promoted to a position in Corporate Communications and Media Relations, Erin looks forward to hearing from classmates at
DAVID ALBOUY, BA'00, MA'01, spent a year at Yale as a graduate student in economics. He then transferred to the PhD program at University of California in Berkeley. David lives in San Francisco with his new wife, CHRISTINA BERKLEY, BSc'00.
JENNIFER BURLAND, BA'00, married Kyle Thurston Adams in July 2002 in Bermuda. Jennifer is the grandaughter of VIVIAN (GOURLEY) BURLAND, BSc(HEc)'48. Other McGill graduates in attendance included VANESSA WICHT, BA'00, JONATHAN GOODE, BA'00, ANDREA BYRNE, BCom'00, and MILES OUTERBRIDGE, BEng'56. Jennifer and Kyle honeymooned in the Virgin Gorda before returning to their home in Denver, Colorado.
CHLOÉ JACOB, BA'00, spent six months in Montevideo, Uruguay, where she did an internship at the Canadian Embassy. She acted as coordinator of the Canadian Uruguayan Chamber of Commerce. Chloé is completing a master's degree in political science at Université de Montréal. She recently came back from a one-month trip to Berlin, where she had the opportunity to attend the Free University's summer school. She says she misses McGill friends and invites them to contact her at
SEAN BARRETT, BA'01, is a second-year law student at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.
ERIKA BUECHNER, BA'01, married Michael Quirk in August 2002 in Mississauga, Ont.
CLARE MCINTYRE, BA'02, is one of ten young Canadians who have been chosen this year to participate in the Parliamentary Internship Programme in Ottawa. Clare plans to pursue a career as a political reporter, and spent the summer of 2002 as a news reporting intern with the Daily Hampshire Gazette in Northampton, Mass. Clare also works as a web designer with the Faculty of Law at McGill.
SID MITCHELL, PhD'02, is in his first year at the University of Maine and says it has been great. He would love to hear from friends at
EUAN S. C. SWAN, DDS'78, received a Certificate of Merit from the Canadian Dental Association in recognition of services rendered to the Committee on Community and Institutional Dentistry.
SUSAN MURRAY, DDS'94, and Jim Foley, are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Beatrice Anne Armour Foley, born in September 2001, a little sister for Anna Elizabeth. Susan is currently practising in Toronto.
C. DAVID HOGG, MEd'77, received an Honorary Life Membership in the Associa-tion of Administrators of English Schools of Quebec in May 2002. He retired at the end of June after 34 years as an elementary teacher and in-school administrator in the PSBGM and its successor, the English Montreal School Board. He is recuperating with tennis, golf, curling, and as a volunteer at the Montreal General Hospital.
PATRICK O. GELINAS, BEd'96, completed his Master of Science degree in Kinesiology and Applied Physiology at the University of Colorado. His research centred on the characterization of neuromuscular stiffness in children with cerebral palsy. He is currently living in Boulder, Colorado, with his girlfriend, Christine.
GERRY (SAM) MCGEE, BEng'53, Dip M&BA'59, was elected director of the Loyola Alumni Association in Montreal. He was vice-president and director of educational affairs of the 170,000-member Canadian Council of Professional Engineers. Gerry has devoted much time and energy to mental health in the National Capital Region and is a director of the local Civil Liberties Association.
ALFRED A. GUENKEL, PhD'73, was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He is working as the Principal Chemical Engineer and as a partner of NORAM Engineering and Constructors Ltd., a Vancouver-based engineering and technology company. Alfred and his wife, Shizuko, have a daughter, Julie, who is a CA with KPMG in Vancouver, and a son, Patrick, who graduated from UBC and is studying toward an MBA at the London Business School.
JIM PASCUAL, BEng'89, MBA'98, moved to Calgary to join Talisman Energy as Business Analyst in the Information Systems group. His role is to support the Canadian Operations, Gas Marketing, and Petroleum Engineering departments. Jim's wife, SANDY DAVISON, BSW'95, and their two daughters enjoyed their first Calgary Stampede and look forward to their first chinook! Jim would like to hear from classmates and alumni in Calgary. He may be reached at
LINA BOULOS, BEng'94, after four years at Montgomery Watson, works as a project engineer in the consulting firm Carollo Engineers in Pasadena, California, specializing in water treatment and applied research. She currently serves as the Vice President of the Southern California McGill Alumni Section.
ART LIEM, BEng'95, after seven years of progressive projects and three mergers at GlaxoSmithKline, is Manager of Engineering Services for the Chicago region of the pharmaceutical company Pharmacia. Four weeks into his relocation, Pharmacia was taken over by Pfizer in a friendly buy-out. Art says he is amazed at the things to see and do in Chicago. He spends his time blading up and down the waterfront and trying every restaurant in town. Besides taking some very expensive MBA-like courses at the Kellogg School of Management, Art's career plans are to take on even greater management responsibilities in one huge merged pharmaceutical company called Drugs R Us.
WALID SAHYOUN, BEng'97, lived in Boston for five years and then relocated to Belgium. Walid says he will be glad to meet and/or help any alumni in the area. He can be reached by email at
FERAS MICHAEL, BEng'99, MEng'01, was married to Sema Ashkouri in August 2002 in Boston, Mass. They live happily in Nashua, New Hampshire. Feras has been working in Merrimack, N.H., at Xanoptix Inc. for the last two years. Xanoptix is a start-up company that designs and manufactures next generation high bandwidth fibre optic transceiver modules. He wants to know how the rest of his graduating class is doing, and may be contacted at
KEVIN YANK, BEng'01, moved to Melbourne, Australia, to take up a permanent position with, where he published his first book, Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL. Kevin is editor of the Site Point Tech Times and says any good web editor should have seen at least one episode of MacGyver.
VICTOR MCLAUGHLIN, MDCM'52, received the Canadian Medical Association's Medal of Service at the 135th annual meeting in Saint John, New Brunswick. He was recognized for his contributions to regulatory agencies and progressive legislation.
JAMES H. DAY, MDCM'59, was honoured by Queen's University, which has named a new academic chair in Allergic Diseases and Allergy Research for him in recognition of his distinguished career in the field and his contributions to the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programs at Queen's. James became an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine in 1967, was named professor emeritus in 1996, and continues productive research as an adjunct academic staff member.
PAUL CHUNG-HO WONG, BSc'70, MDCM'74, is Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of British Columbia. He is also president-elect of the B.C. chapter of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, and spokesperson for the B.C. Heart and Stroke Foundation. Among other activities, he has served as medical coordinator for the SUCCESS Care Home in Vancouver, director of the LaSalle Old Boys' Association of B.C., and the Chinese Community Steering Committee.
MURRAY REBNER, BSc'75, MDCM'80, was named a Fellow of the American College of Radiology for outstanding contributions to the field of Radiology over the duration of his career. He is currently the Director of the Vattikuti Digital Breast Diagnostic Center at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan. He is also Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology at Wayne State University in Detroit.
JONATHAN DAVINE, MDCM'79, has been promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University.
GRETA TAITELBAUM, MDCM'79, practises gastroenterology at Harvard Medical Associates in Boston and is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at Harvard. She is past president of the New England Endo-scopy Society, and serves on the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Technology Committee. Greta has two interesting children, Eric and Amanda Lanser.
MARILYN MONK, MSc'80, lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with her two daughters. She says they enjoy the warm climate but do miss Montreal and McGill. Marilyn is the VP of Hospital Operations at Caritas Health System and is active in a number of community organizations.
HEIDI SCHMALTZ, BSc'95, MDCM'99, married ROCK GONSALVES, BA'86, CertHRMgmt'91, in Calgary in May 2002. Rock spent the last 2 1/2 years working for AVNET in Phoenix, Arizona, and moved to Columbia, Maryland, in June 2002. Having finished her internal medicine residency at McGill, Heidi began a fellowship in geriatric medicine at Johns Hopkins in July 2002.
RUSS MERIFIELD, BA'38, BCL'41, was one of five lawyers to receive a certificate and a free lunch in recogniton of his 60-year membership in the Montreal Bar. Russ is the oldest surviving Past President of the Students' Society of McGill University. He represented the student body at the installation ceremonies for Principal F. Cyril James in 1940. Russ is one of seven surviving members of the 1938 championship football team, the first team selected for induction into the McGill Sports Hall of Fame. Since retirement in 1981, Russ has published three books and is collaborating on a centennial history of the Empire Club of Toronto.
YVES L. FORTIER, BCL'58, chairman and senior partner of Ogilvy Renault, was appointed a Director and Chairman of the Board of Alcan Inc. He is also a Governor of Hudson's Bay Company.
SIMON V. POTTER, BCL'74, is President of the Canadian Bar Association. He is a specialist in commercial litigation, international trade law and competition law.
PAUL SKOLNIK, BCL'75, has been appointed by the United Nations to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as co-counsel for Colonel Théoneste Bagosora, the former Director General of the Ministry of Defence who is accused of inciting genocide and crimes against humanity.
SUSAN B. BOYD, LLB'78, published her book Child Custody, Law, and Women's Work with Oxford University Press. Her earlier books are Challenging the Public/Private Divide: Feminism, Law, and Public Policy, published by University of Toronto Press in 1997, and Canadian Feminist Literature on Law: An Annotated Bibliography. Susan is a law professor at the University of British Columbia and holds the Chair in Feminist Legal Studies.
DONALD FRANCOEUR, BCL'78, joined the firm of Milner Casgrain LLP as a partner. He has been a leading practitioner in banking law for over 20 years, specializing in asset-backed, project and structured finance, as well as mergers and acquisitions, restructurings and securities. He has worked with most of the major Canadian financial institutions and has an extensive cross-border financial services practice, both U.S. and European.
RICHARD JANDA, BCL'85, LLB'85, teaches competition law, equity and trusts, administrative law and air transport regulation at McGill. Research areas include competition policy and telecommunications law and policy. A former Director of the Centre for the Study of Regulated Industries, he is helping to develop a telecommunications policy centre in India. Richard has presented briefs to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, the Bureau of Competition Policy and the Commission sur l'avenir du Québec.
SUNNY HANDA, BCom'89, LLM'95, DCL'98, is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Ontario Bar, and is a partner with Blake Cassels. He practises in the corporate/commercial technology field, dealing primarily with information technology, intellectual property and communications law matters.
CAROLINE CHAMPAGNE, BCL'95, LLB'95, a été élue à la présidence de l'Association du Jeune Barreau de Montréal (AJBM) pour l'année 2002-2003. Elle pratique le litige civil et commercial au sein du cabinet Bélanger Longtin. L'AJBM représente tous les avocats de 10 ans et moins de pratique de Montréal. Ils sont au nombre de 5000, soit plus de la moitié des avocats membres du Barreau de Montréal et plus du quart de tous les avocats du Québec.
FRANÇOIS CARRIER, BCL'97, LLB'97, and ISABELLE TREMBLAY-WESTWICK, BA'98, were married in August 2001. The couple welcomed their first son, Victor Carrier, born in Montreal in August 2002. Isabelle is the administrative manager of La Scène Musicale, which publishes the free monthly magazine La Scena Musicale, and François is an investment banker in the Montreal office of Canaccord Capital Corporation.
HEIKO A. GIERMANN, LLM'98, joined the law firm of Huth Dietrich Hahn in Hamburg, Germany, as an associate. He works in the corporate law department with GEORG A. WITTUHN, LLM'88, who is a partner of the firm. The two alumni of the Institute of Comparative Law keep legal links with Canada, since their firm has earned a fine reputation in the field of Canadian-German business transactions.
MARY MAYER HONNELLY, MLS'77, is Associate Vice President for Learning Resources at Tidewater Community College in Virginia. She has responsibility for all campus libraries and media centres at the state's second largest community college, headquartered in Norfolk. She previously served as Deputy Director at the Norfolk Public Library. Mary represents Virginia on the American Library Association's national council. She can be reached at
JOHANNE LESSARD, MLIS'98, worked as the Records Management Analyst at National Bank of Canada, and at TAB Canada and InterDoc Corporation as a consultant in records management. In January she took on a new challenge as Records Management Advisor at the Business Development Bank of Canada. Her office is located at BDBC's head office in downtown Montreal. She can be reached at
R.E. CORRIGAN, BCom'49, has published his first novel, Blessed, Unwed, Single-Bed, Ed: A Solution to the Problems of the Middle East. You can find more details, and buy the book, at Ed taught transportation economics at McGill for 18 years.
WILLIAM SHATNER, BCom'52, received recognition for his earthly achievements in entertainment at last year's Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival in California. William was honoured with the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award.
JOHN D. TENNANT, BCom'63, has been named CEO of Canada's Technology Triangle. For the previous four years, John was Consul General of Canada in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, where he was involved with border management and Great Lakes environmental issues, retaining and attracting investment to Canada and promoting Canadian exports. Canada's Technology Triangle is the not-for-profit, private-public economic development organization marketing the Region of Waterloo and the cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo to the world. Visit
PHILIP C. LEVI, BCom'70, was elected to the Bureau of the Ordre des Comptables Agréés du Québec for a two-year term. Philip is the partner directing the litigation support and dispute resolution department at the Montreal accounting firm Bessner Gallay Kreisman.
SAM REDA, BCom'77, has been appointed to the position of President and Chief Operating Officer of Natcan Investment Management. He has more than 25 years' experience in the financial milieu and is known for his expertise in portfolio management, his client-focused approach and his leadership.
LUCE VEILLEUX, BCom'77, was named Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Aeroplan, a subsidiary of Air Canada. Luce will be responsible for travel, financial and retail partnerships; brand management and marketing communications; customer relationship management; and database marketing. Luce brings to Aeroplan over 18 years of experience at the Royal Bank in financial cards and other products, client relationship management, loyalty, database development and management, as well as all aspects of direct marketing and client communications. She is based in Toronto.
LISA FEDELE, BCom'84, completed her MBA at the University of Western Ontario and had a successful 15-year career at CN Rail. Lisa lives in Uxbridge, Ont., and is married with four children between the ages of 5 and 8. Last year she started Cherished Scrapbooks, a retail business that serves Mississauga and surrounding communities.
PETER PUTKA, BCom'84, and MICAELA BIRMINGHAM, BA'99, created a campaign to get New Yorkers' ideas for rebuilding lower Manhattan and a memorial at the WTC site. They rallied the film production community and New Yorkers such as Harvey Keitel, Kevin Bacon and Yoko Ono, who appeared in a series of public service announcements which played on TV, the "jumbotron" in Times Square, and at Robert DeNiro's Tribeca Film Festival. Over 4,000 residents from across the region and around the world participated in workshops to share their ideas on rebuilding the city and strengthening neighbourhoods.
JENNIFER MOORE, BCom'93, is the proud mother of Alex, 4, and Katie, 2, and is married to a fabulous artisan bread baker named David. She continues her career path toward becoming a full-service financial planner and is completing courses to write the CFP exam. Jennifer works for an independent financial planner part-time and says she is thrilled to be able to balance career and family!
WARREN TRANQUADA, BCom'96, and his wife, Alexine, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Gabriella Celeste. Warren graduated with distinction from Harvard Business School with an MBA.
IMRAN AMED, BCom'97, moved back to London to join McKinsey and Co., a consulting firm, after finishing his MBA at Harvard Business School. He has had a chance to reunite with several classmates, including ORIENTA CAMBONE, BCom'97, DPA'97, in Milan, and NAVEEN BHALLA, BCom'97, who lives in New York. Imran can be reached at
DAN MAYNARD, BCom'98, works with the federal government as a Marketing and Trade Officer with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. He says his work is challenging and interesting because he constantly meets new people from around the globe. His job entails facilitating and participating in incoming foreign buying missions and helping local companies increase their market access and market development potential in the Middle East and Africa.
MAHDAD TAHERI, BCom'01, left JP Morgan after a year of investment banking and is now a partner in a technology start-up company in New York called Novantech Solutions ( He says they are eager to build the business and would love to help out former university colleagues.
ELLEN L. PALTIEL, BA'83, BMus'89, lives in New York City and has recently become Counsel to the law firm of Scarola Reavis & Parent, practising in the areas of commercial litigation and matters concerning the arts. She is also a graduate of Indiana University and the Columbia University School of Law, where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. She was an adjunct professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism from 1994 to 1998. Ellen would love to hear from classmates at
PATRICIA ABBOTT, MMus'00, was presented with the Association of Canadian Choral Conductors' National Choral Award for Distinguished Service in May 2002. Pat has been Executive Director of ACCC since 1993. Her paper on The Vocal and Choral Music of Lionel Daunais 1902-1982 was presented at the Phenomenon of Singing III International Symposium in June 2001 in Newfoundland. Pat recently celebrated her 20th anniversary as conductor of the Chorale du Gesù women's choir in Montreal and is starting her 13th season as conductor of the English Montreal School Board Chorale.
SUSANNA GUTHMANN, BMus'00, graduated from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, in June with a master's degree in Performance and Pedagogy and will begin work on a PhD in Music Education in September. She was awarded the Integrated Arts Teaching Assistantship at NU. Susanna's husband, Peter, will continue to practise dentistry at home in Morrisville, Vermont, and commute via the airways. Susanna's email is
PAUL NATHANSON, BA'68, MLS'71, BTh'78, PhD'89, began his academic career by writing Over the Rainbow: The Wizard of Oz as a Secular Myth of America, about the convergence of sacred and profane patterns in popular culture. Since then, he and McGill Religious Studies professor KATHERINE YOUNG, PhD'78, have collaborated on research funded by the Donner Canadian Foundation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Their book Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture, was recently published by McGill-Queen's Press, and is the first volume of a projected trilogy.
MARK GIULIANO, STM'88, is the new addition to the Savannah College of Art and Design as a media and performing arts professor specializing in speech and public speaking. Mark received a BA from the University of Windsor in Ontario and a doctor of ministry degree at Vanderbilt University, focusing in rhetoric, performance and oral communications. Mark has taught public speaking classes at Huron College and Huron-Perth Presbytery, both in London, Ont.
HYMAN RUDOFF, BSc'33, PhD'37, says he is over 90 and lives just about 30 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The travel burden would have been too great for him to attend Homecoming 2002, but he says he was there in spirit and gives his best to everyone!
BARBARA BOUDREAU, BSc'61, represented the Massachusetts College of Art and presented Microsoft Excel and Access workshops at the Massachusetts Educational Computer Conference in June. In July she participated in a sister city cultural exchange in Ota, Japan. Barbara can be contacted at
GABOR KATO, BSc'62, PhD'67, is Managing Director of MDS Pharma Services in Geneva, Switzerland.
LARRY LIGHT, BSc'62, was named Executive Vice President and Global Chief Marketing Officer for McDonald's Corporation in Oak Brook, Ill. Larry assumes responsibility for global marketing strategy and overall brand development. He holds a doctorate from Ohio State University in Industrial Psychology and has taught at New York University, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Indiana University's Kelley School of Business, and in the Executive Program at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Business. Larry is married with two daughters.
JONATHAN MEAKINS, BSc'62, has been named Nuffield Professor of Surgery at Oxford University. He says his primary responsibility will be to build on the strong academic traditions at Oxford.
FIKRET BERKES, BSc'68, PhD'73, was awarded a Tier I Canada Research Chair. He is at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg. The CRC award will facilitate his research in the area of community-based resource management, common property theory and resilience of linked systems of people and environment. His most recent book, Navigating Social-Ecological Systems, is published by Cambridge University Press.
CHARLES J. WRIGHT, MSc'70, received the biennial award from the Emmett Hall Memorial Foundation of the Canadian Health Economics Research Association (CHERA). The text of the presentation that he made to CHERA on the occasion of this award can be viewed on their web site at Justice Hall is considered to be the father of Canadian medicare.
LUIS G. ANDERSON, MSc'81, returned to Canada from Venezuela in August 2000 with his wife, INES ANDERSON, MSc'83, and their two sons, with the intention of becoming Canadians. Luis says that they are in the process of finding an opportunity where they can contribute to this great country. They are living in Oakville, Ont. He says he would welcome the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore common interests with fellow McGill graduates. He has identified new market opportunities in Latin America for Canadian-based organizations from the perspective of the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
WALTER HEGER, BSc'84, MSc'87, joined Mortgage Industry Advisory Company on Wall Street as Vice President. Walter is developing software algorithms for portfolio hedge analysis using concepts from stochastic differential equations. It is the first time he has had a chance to use course material from Analysis III. Walter is married to Dr. Carmel Sabine Verrier, a resident at Westchester Medical Center. They have a one-year-old daughter, Angeline. For more information see
PATRICK GOODWIN, BSc'88, after practising as an architect in Vancouver for the last ten years, is pursuing an intensive MBA at the École des Hautes Études Commerciales in Montreal. Patrick was elected to the position of VP-World of Business in the Association des Étudiants and says he's looking forward to a very exciting year.
JENNIFER FRASER, BSc'90, after a stint in New York working on the Ospraie Fund (Tudor Investments), moved back to Houston. Jennifer joined Centaurus Advisors LLC, a commodity hedge fund specializing in the energy sector.
FRANCISCO C. FERREIRA, BSc'95, MSc'98, obtained an MSc in bioinformatics from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. In 2001, he started working as a bioinformatics support scientist at the Genome Informatics Research Laboratory of the Municipal Institute of Medical Investigation in Barcelona, Spain. Former graduates in the area may contact him at
ASHLEY MONKS, BSc'95, received the Governor General's gold medal in graduate studies from Simon Fraser University. He also received a 2002 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council prize for his research on how the nervous system in adults changes in response to hormones, and a grant two years earlier at the start of his PhD work. Ashley is now looking at the effect of hormones on nervous system development during pregnancy and after birth, as well as investigating potential methods of rescuing dying neurons.
YOLANDA YVONNE (KAPTEYN) CAMPBELL, BSc'96, and James R. Campbell II are very pleased to announce the birth of their son, Cameron Jacob, in April 2002. Yolanda and James are currently attending Marshall University School of Medicine in Huntington, West Virginia.
ESTHER PRINCE, BSc'99, and SIGALIT HOFFMAN, BSc'00, are in Beer Sheva in Israel, at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. They are enrolled in the Program in International Health and Medicine, run in conjunction with Columbia University. The program trains physicians in global health with the goal of improving care for underserved populations throughout the world. While at McGill, Sigalit helped found the University's chapter of Doctors Without Borders and has since volunteered at a Romanian orphanage and as a medic in Haifa. Esther volunteered at an Israeli children's hospital, served on the country's AIDS Task Force and worked in Tel Aviv as an ambulance attendant.
REES KASSEN, PhD'01, won the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies' CAGS-UMI Distinguished Dissertation Award for 2002 in the Engineering, Medical Science and Natural Science fields. Other awards that Rees has won include the Governor General's Gold Medal, the NSERC Doctoral Prize and the NSERC Howard Halper Postdoctoral Prize. Rees is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford.