Alumni activities

Alumni activities McGill University

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ALUMNI QUARTERLY - winter 2008
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Alumni activities

An Annual Good Time

Each year, the McGill Alumni Association hosts a banquet at Montreal's St. James's Club to celebrate the people whose volunteer work with the MAA has made it a stronger and better organization. This year, tribute was also paid to Principal Bernard Shapiro, who was officiating at his last banquet before retirement.

Guests are piped into the banquet hall.

Representatives of the Macdonald Class of '51 collected the award for Event of the Year from outgoing Alumni Association President Sally McDougall. The hugely successful class event was held at Homecoming 2001 and was a revival of their student variety show, the Green and Gold Revue.

From left: Bill Ritchie, BSc(Agr)'51, Sally McDougall, BSc'68, DipEd'69, Orchid Reid, BSc(Agr)'52, George Hobson, BSc'(Agr)'51, Harold Blenkhorn, BSc(Agr)'50.

McGill Chancellor Dick Pound, BCom'62, BCL'67, centre, shares a laugh with Students' Society President Jeremy Farrell, BA'03, Naomi Lear, BSc'03, and Jeremy's twin brother, Jerome Farrell, BSc'03. Jeremy and Naomi received Gretta Chambers Student Leadership awards at the banquet.

Ali Shivji, BSc'03, received his Gretta Chambers Student Leadership award from the grande dame herself.

Principal Shapiro, BA'56, LLD'88, sporting a fleece vest he'd been given moments before, hands over the Award of Merit, the Alumni Association's highest honour, to Michael Crombie, BCom'56.

Vice-Principal (Development and Alumni Relations) Derek Drummond, BArch'62, jokes with Gordon Lindsay, BEng'48, who received the E.P. Taylor Award, and head Homecoming honcho Maria Keenan, CertHRMgmt'97.

McGill Makes Music in Morrow

McGill was well represented at the Royal Bank Calgary International Organ Festival and Competition held at Spivey Hall in Morrow, Ga. The evening included a performance by Jonathan Oldengarm, a doctoral student in music at McGill, who was chosen to appear in Calgary as a finalist.

Left to right: Susan Zarzour, BSc'78; John Grew, former dean of music and Chair of the organ department at McGill; Astrid Pregel, Consul General of Canada to Atlanta; Jonathan Oldengarm, MMus'00; Heidi Allardyce, BA'79, president of the Atlanta alumni branch; and Gary Allardyce, BEng'74.

Horsey Set at Polo Grounds

The New York branch of the Alumni Association held their annual get-together at the Greenwich Polo Club in Connecticut this past July.

Swell Send-Off

Thanks to McGill alumni and volunteers, incoming McGill students in various cities were given send-off parties in August as they prepared to start university this fall.

The Vancouver branch presented new student Kristin Leuszler with a $500 cheque for a prize-winning essay.

From left: Branch president Janina Kon, BA'92, Leuszler, Todd Law, BEng'87, and Deanne Steven, BA'96.

A group of new students with Development and Alumni Relations host Tara Kitts (bottom row, centre) on the grounds of Crescent School in Toronto. Students enjoyed a barbecue, received information about McGill, and won prizes for answering McGill-related trivia questions.

Sailing the Imperial Passage

Alumni and friends took part in a cruise of the River Elbe before the flooding which devastated so many of the historic cities along its route.

Honora Shaughnessy, MLS'73, Executive Directive of the McGill Alumni Association, with Sandy Crews and Joan Gordon.

Pour Me a Pilsener

Members of the alumni travel tour along the Danube stop for a beverage break in Durnstein, Austria, during the June 2002 trip.

Left to right: Danuta Sobolewski, Doug McDougall, BA'67, Dr. Ted Busse, MSc'64, Lynda Busse, Charles Druce, and Leslie Hill, BCom'50.

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